Blog: Estonia

5 Wolt life hacks that make your life hell of a lot easier

Wolt offers endless possibilities to discover great food and plan your next meals now or in advance. Our quirky app...

Let’s taco ’bout Pepe – heart of Taqueria

It’s 8:14 am and I’m late to Taqueria, where we were supposed to meet up with Pepe, because let’s just...

Hitting the streets with Tallinn City leader

Tallinn is a very unique capital, unlike most European cities, Tallinn has never seen the light of holistic city planning....

Alex Chang – the guy who rented bikes to be a Wolt courier partner

You have probably seen a lot of Wolt courier partners driving around the city on bicycles with their bags full...

Võida iPhone 7 koos Wolti ja Valge Klaariga!

Suve alguse tähistamiseks ühendasime Valge Klaariga jõud ja kingime ühele õnnelikule uhiuue iPhone’i, et jäädvustada kõik selle suve erilised hetked ja...

Smoothies on the go-go

Smoothies can save days, weeks and probably even lives. Full of vitamins, nutrients and superfoods. Even just one cup of...

5 delicious spots to order or pick up your lunch from

Forgot your packed lunch at home? No problem, we have plenty of restaurants who serve lunch menus or just something...

Wolt avaldab Tallinnas esimest korda popimate palade nimekirja – oskad arvata, millised toidud pürgisid tippu?

Rahvas on rääkinud – otsustasime enda süsteemides natuke ringi vaadata ja täpsemalt uurida, mida tellib Wolt kasutaja 2017. aastal enim. Nüüd...

Yes, Wolt is testing food deliveries by robots – and it’s happening as we speak

Today is a historical day for us at Wolt. We have just started testing food home delivery – with robots....

10 restorani, mis pakuvad maitsvaid vegan roogasid

Täna, 1. novembril, tähistatakse vegan päeva. Vegan toitumine ei ole dieet ega idee, mis teostatakse nädalaks, see on elustiili valik. Vegan on inimene,...