Welcome to the Wolt Blog
Why I’m choosing to work in a product company instead of consulting (and you should, too)
EU law will affect how you pay with Wolt starting Sep 14
How we came to create a new image placeholder algorithm, BlurHash
BlurHash is a compact representation of a placeholder for an image. Read on as our iOS Engineer Dag Ågren tells...
Poyan, Wolt’s Courier app developer: “What drew me in is the emphasis the company puts on tech”
Wolt is investing in tech and expansion and hiring 1,000 people by the end of 2020 – a Q&A on our new funding
Today is a big day for our team, as we just announced that we’ve recently raised 137 million euros to...
Johann, Wolt’s logistics engineer: “The most difficult situations require me to be Sherlock Holmes – when the routing suddenly goes haywire”
Tatiana, the DevOps Queen at Wolt: “Haskell is the only beautiful thing in the world”
Did you know that Wolt’s tech stack is a lot broader than a single mobile app? We build all our...
Niilo, VP of Engineering: “I was a Typescript and React guy who joined Wolt because of the people. Now I’m scaling our whole engineering team.”
Solid state-of-the-art technology. That’s what Wolt’s food delivery is built on. Our Apple-awarded app makes it incredibly easy to discover...
Maitsvad soovitused hommiku nautlejale ja põlgurile
Oled üks või teine, kindel on see, et hommikusöök on päeva tähtsaim söögikord! Tujuka hommikupõlgurina tee elu lihtsaks ja telli...